Re: Star trek again..was So who is on this list?

From: Laura Wigod (laura@OAKRIDGE.COM)
Date: Wed Jul 09 1997 - 11:16:00 PDT

>And what's this business about her having O'Brian's baby? I missed
>this whole story line - is she "fulfilling her biological destiny as a
>woman" or something? Obviously, I'm pissed-off! What do other people think?

Hey, Kym. I agree with just about everything you said. I hate witnessing
the femming up of characters to make them more palatable to the general
public. Oh, the many many times I wish Tasha Yar would wash all that damn
make-up off! SIGH.

However, I do have to take objection to her pregnancy being part of that
scheme (even ignoring the fact that the actress was pregnant in real life).
As anyone who's been through labor knows, having a baby is only further
proof of a woman's incredible _strength_, and not weakness. Joseph
Campbell once defined a hero as someone who willingly risks their own life
in order to save another; he said, based on that definition ALL mothers are
heroes. Personally, I've always found it stunning that a woman's
reproductive system could be the basis for an argument of woman's inherent
weakness - I mean, think about it - we bleed for FIVE DAYS every month and
don't die! No wonder men are afraid of us! :-)

Laura ("Up With Ovaries!!")

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