Re: Star trek again..was So who is on this list?

From: Kym Ragusa (vbald@INTERPORT.NET)
Date: Tue Jul 08 1997 - 17:51:59 PDT

Actually, I think the DS9 writers have really done a lot of damage to Major
Kira's character. When the show first started, she was a warrior, a
revolutionary, really strong and tough. Short hair and a bad attitude. Her
sexuality was not really discussed, which opened up the possibility that
she could have been a lesbian as well (Dax? - who knew?!). I think the
powers that be got a little nervous about Kira's subversive possibilities,
and they decided to femme her up. I can't even watch the show anymore -
every time I do, she's crying about something or other. She's definitely
wearing more makeup, "prettier" hair, and maybe a little soft focus now and
then. And what's this business about her having O'Brian's baby? I missed
this whole story line - is she "fulfilling her biological destiny as a
woman" or something? Obviously, I'm pissed-off! What do other people think?


>In Australia we haven't seen the lastest series of DS9, so we haven't
>been introduced to Rom's wife yet. I'll wait in anticipation.
>B'Ellana Torres is the name of the Klingon in Voyager. She's also
>terrific, as is Kira. I s'pose I find Ro Laren the most appealing as
>she was only in STNG for a short period and as such, she remained a
>fairly tough character. In the writers' attempts to create more
>complex roles in Trek they sometimes taken the edge of the
>female characters.
>Apologies for starting another (short) Trek thread.

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