Re: Star trek again..was So who is on this list?

From: Sean Johnston (sean-johnston@UIOWA.EDU)
Date: Tue Jul 08 1997 - 19:36:01 PDT

>Actually, I think the DS9 writers have really done a lot of damage to Major
>Kira's character. When the show first started, she was a warrior, a
>revolutionary, really strong and tough. Short hair and a bad attitude. Her
>sexuality was not really discussed, which opened up the possibility that
>she could have been a lesbian as well (Dax? - who knew?!). I think the
>powers that be got a little nervous about Kira's subversive possibilities,
>and they decided to femme her up. I can't even watch the show anymore -
>every time I do, she's crying about something or other. She's definitely
>wearing more makeup, "prettier" hair, and maybe a little soft focus now and
>then. And what's this business about her having O'Brian's baby? I missed
>this whole story line - is she "fulfilling her biological destiny as a
>woman" or something? Obviously, I'm pissed-off! What do other people think?

As somebody else posted, Nana Visitor was pregnant at the time. The
writers could modify the storyline to include or exclude her. they
included her big-time. As this somebody also expressed, changing the story
(writing her pregnancy in) was pretty cool.

As to the short hair and bad attitude stuff, what we've seen is a
fleshing-out of her character, perhaps at the expense of some fans. I
think that's cool, too because it's far more interesting to see more human
qualities to identify with and because it's pretty boring to have a
one-dimensional character week after week. As to the strength, I see her
as stronger now knowing what she's been through. I think it also takes
more strength to cry in public than to bottle it up because, when that's
done, it's suppressing an emotion. Well, too much suppression and you're
going to get an explosion, which I suspect Kira often did...all over
Cardassians. Often, when you have a character who's very abrasive, very
short-tempered, what have you, you have a very insecure person, which is
what I would see the old Kira as: insecure, defensive (rightfully so) and
probably uncomfortable with herself. I also, though, see a very passionate
person and I'm glad that's been kept but not to the extent of making Kira
        Kira's, as I said, been through a lot of shit in her life and she
deserves to be allowed to have other aspects of herself come across. And,
no, I'm not, I hope, mixing up Kira Nurees (sp?) the character with Nana
Visitor the real person, about whom I know little.


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