From: Vonda N. McIntyre (vonda@OZ.NET)
Date: Wed Jul 09 1997 - 23:14:51 PDT

Hi, you might find "Basement Full of books" to be
a useful resource:




On Thu, 10 Jul 1997 21:57:01 -0600, you wrote:

>At 09:14 AM 7/7/97 -0500, Neil Rest wrote:
>>So for a while, I've been wondering about suggesting to this list some sort
>>of book-exchange or shopping-service arrangement. I have no particular
>>organizational details in mind, more general friendly functionality.
>I will be putting together a book-exchange/shopping service page for this
>website, which will include:
>1) a list of [independent] booksellers for used, rare & out-of-print sf
>books and how to contact them;
>2) a list of willing acquisitions contacts & whether they want exchange or
>money (and in what currency); and
>3) a list of "titles wanted" (specify hardback or paperback and publishing
>info if you have it), with contact info and price range you're willing to
>pay, and/or exchange you're willing to make.
>4) a list of "titles available" (hb or pb, edition, condition, publishing
>info), with contact info and price and/or exhannge you want.
>Elizabeth Pandolfo has volunteered be to an acquisition contact for British
>books, Laura Quilter for the U.S. mid-West. I have a friend, Mary Tuttle,
>who is a book scout here in the U.S. Rocky Mt. region. How about a U.S.
>east-coast and U.S. west-coast contact? And are any of you Canadians,
>Australians, other Europeans willing to be acquisitions contacts (search
>for, procure, and ship books from your area) for love or money? I think
>that there should be at least a 10% fee for scouting/acquisitions of rare
>Please send to me, via personal e-mail, any additional suggestions and info
>you'd like included on this page (names and contact info for bookstores,
>your contact info as an acquisitions rep, titles and publishing info for
>books you're looking for along with a price range you're willing to pay,
>esp. for rare/out-of-print books). My address is hollyy@sprynet.com. PLEASE
>This is going to be an "honor-system" good-faith exchange, so don't ask for
>titles you're not really willing to pay for. Otherwise our aquisitions
>contacts may get burned [out], ok?
>Hope to hear from you-all soon.


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