High-tech feminist sci-fi

From: Kate Bolin (kbolin@MAILHOST.TCS.TULANE.EDU)
Date: Sat Jul 12 1997 - 10:43:14 PDT

I've read Cyteen, back when I was 13. Maybe it was my age, but I found it
rather dry.
I always read Octavia Butler. But, even then, she doesn't really get into
technology. The aliens in the "Xenogenesis" trilogy focus more on
changing things biologically than technologically. "Parabale of the
Sower", while it is one of my favorite books of all time, doesn't have any
technology to speak of. With Butler, it seems like that the technology is
there, but that her characters have chosen to live without it.


      "A keyboard may be a better equalizer than a Glock .45, but I still
        prefer the .45"
                Kate Bolin http://studentweb.tulane.edu/~kbolin
                     Founder of Delenn Deserves Better!!

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