Re: So who is on this list?

From: SMCharnas (suzych@HIGHFIBER.COM)
Date: Sat Jul 12 1997 - 18:10:25 PDT

At 1:18 PM 7/11/97, M. Teresa Tavormina wrote:

>Like Michelle Kendrick earlier this year, I'd like to ask the list if there
>are any objections to my encouraging the class I'm teaching this fall to
>lurk on the list so that they can learn from other folk deeply engaged with
>issues relevant to gender issues in sf. The usual provisos about letting
>the class (this one has 40 students in it, mainly sophomores and up, with
>some honors freshmen) know about netiquette, etc. Any problems for anyone?

Sounds great to me.

>The "lens" by which the course will be focused, for those who may be
>interested, will be
>the Tiptree Award. (snip)
>a potluck for the class at the end, asking them to draw recipes from the
>cookbooks. I love classes that involve physical/material activity as well
>as intellectual/verbal: readers theater, graphic concept mapping, food and
>drink (the old symposium tradition).

I AM JEALOUS OF YOUR STUDENTS. Course sounds great.


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