Re: Mars

From: Laura Wigod (laura@OAKRIDGE.COM)
Date: Mon Jul 14 1997 - 13:39:59 PDT

>Although it's exciting that a woman/women are invloved in the Mars
>expedition, I also think that it's important to look critically at the
>expedition istelf, and at space "exploration" in general. To me, it is very
>much a problem that billions of dollars are being spent on this, while at
>the same time, there are more & more people living out in the streets,
>education & arts funding are being cut, healthcare too expensive for large
>numbers of people, etc.

I completely agree! How much is this expedition costing? I heard a figure
of $261 million. YOWZA! How many people would that feed, clothe and
house? By my calculations, that would take care of about 9000 people here
in the U.S. Makes me wanna go hmmmm.......

> To me, feminism is about equality for all people, not just for a
>few privileged women who get ahead in a formerly "male" profession. For
>example, I don't think it was a giant step for feminism (or humanity) when
>Margaret Thatcher became Prime Minister of the UK.

However, I disagree with you here. Feminism is most definitely _not_ about
equality for all people, not that that isn't a perfectly wonderful goal!
Feminism is about equality for women, so, as abhorrent as a character such
as Thatcher is, it's still progress for womankind! (sigh) I realize it's
difficult to acknowledge that women are as capable of all the -isms as any
man, but that's the way it is!


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