Re: Contact movie

From: Nicole Youngman (
Date: Mon Jul 14 1997 - 15:21:13 PDT

I LOVED IT!!!! I was originally very impressed with how well-written the
protagonist was when I first read the novel years ago. I sure wish Sagan had
written more fiction, sigh. And of course there were lots of changes from the
book--characters rearranged or combined, for instance--but you have to do
that when you make a 2-hr movie out of a work that long and complex.

I also thought that the movie showed a considerable amount of respect for
people who are thoughfully, genuinely religious as opposed to the nuts who
want to deny science entirely and/or blow things up. The relationship between
Ellie and Palmer illustrated that very well--especially his remarks to the
press as he got into the car after the hearings at the end. Sagan and the
moviemakers did a great job of pointing out the benefits AND limitations of
both science and religion--and ways where they might even complement one
another. Not to mention some fascinating and at times downright amusing
commentary on human nature.

And--doesn't Rob Lowe make one hell of a Ralph Reed? ;-)


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