transgressive sci-fi/fantasy/horror

From: Erik Tsao (etsao@CMS.CC.WAYNE.EDU)
Date: Tue Jul 15 1997 - 04:34:25 PDT

By "transgressive," I mean something that breaks the limits and taboos of
middle-class mores and imagination (explicit gay sex scenes, for instance).
The term, as I use it, comes from the mid-twentieth century French
philosopher Georges Bataille. He uses it to refer to certain experiences
which break us out of our sense of subjectivity. The clearest statement of
this idea is in his book, _Erotism: Death and Sensuality_ (City Lights
Press). Michel Foucault took up this theme in his "Preface to


Erik Tsao
Graduate Student
Department of English
Wayne State University
Detroit, MI

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