Re: Librarians' salaries

From: Maryelizabeth Hart (mystgalaxy@AX.COM)
Date: Tue Jul 15 1997 - 04:47:40 PDT

Marsha commented:

>I'd just like to interject that NOTHING to do with books/
>literature pays, in comparison to other sectors' salaries.
>When I managed a bookstore, my daughter received
>free hot lunch at school.
>When I was a textbook editor, she was eligible for
>reduced price lunches.
>My first two library director positions were in small
>libraries, paying considerably less than $20,000/year.
>And George R.R. Martin told me that even after his
>first two books were published, and he was in WHO'S
>WHO, he was on foodstamps.
>We're not involved with literature for money, we do what
>we do because it pleasures us to do so.
Yeah, what she said. If I wasn't in a two income house, I wouldn't make
enough as a bookstore owner and self-employed staff member to pay for my
son's daycare. let alone anything else.

All right, who's going to write a clever short story with those in the book
biz being highly respected and HIGHLY PAID?!?! 'Cause it'd have to be SF or

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