Re: Librarians' salaries

From: Nicole Youngman (
Date: Tue Jul 15 1997 - 10:36:15 PDT

<< If I wasn't in a two income house, I wouldn't make
 enough as a bookstore owner and self-employed staff member to pay for my
 son's daycare. let alone anything else.

Me too, me too!! Thank goodness for spouses with real jobs--he's a social
worker & so will never be unemployed. ;-) But of course I'm a grad student
who only works part-time in one of the big chain bookstores (oh, okay, the
initials are B&N), but considering what I've seen the mgrs go through, I do
*not* want their job!!

Also--all this talk about feminist sf in French (Canadian?) has gotten me
thoroughly intrigued. I majored in French as an undergrad, and many years
later my grasp of the language isn't so great anymore, but if some kind soul
could give some recommendations of where to start & how to get it I'd love to
try to read some.


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