Re: Mars

From: Lori A. Campbell (lcampbel@MAIL.COIN.MISSOURI.EDU)
Date: Tue Jul 15 1997 - 10:31:29 PDT

On Mon, 14 Jul 1997, CMUNSON wrote:

> Surprise, I'm not technically a librarian any more. I'm a
> webmaster/computer specialist for an association that didn't hire me
> for my librarian background, but is finding that experience helpful
> enough to send me to ALA. I jumped from my profession because the
> salaries didn't pay enough to live on, not to mention getting ahead.
Lots of Former Librarians out there. If I could figure out something
else to do, or be accepted in a job doing something else, I would happily
move on to another field. Sure can't go back to school again - am
still paying off my student loan to get my library degree. I'm fed up
with the whole thing.


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