Re: Contact movie WARNING SPOILERS!!!!

From: Robin Gordon (gordonro@GOV.ON.CA)
Date: Tue Jul 15 1997 - 07:31:13 PDT

Contains Spoilers: only read if you have seen the movie!!

I totally agree with laura, love that jodie foster but she is way too
pokey (my word for think people, being big and well padded myself).

While overall I liked the movie I have a couple major quibbles with it.

I agree that the portrayal of the religious figure as a
non-denominational, open-minded, intelligent, sympathetic figure was
refreshing, even for a dyed in the wool atheist like myself. But too much
of the science v. religion dialogue was too cliche. And in the end when
she's confronted by the question whether she expects people to take what
she says on faith, it was like "OK PEOPLE THIS IS IRONIC PAY ATTENTION,
WASN'T THAT IRONIC?" subtlety is a virtue after all.

Also: why didn't the brilliant scientist Elly ask about the length of the
recording? And why couldn't they have sent someone else? Why didn't they
even try?

Robin Gordon

"I am the wall with the womanly swagger."
Judy Grahn

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