Re: Contact movie WARNING SPOILERS!!!!

From: Nicole Youngman (NYOUNGMAN@AOL.COM)
Date: Tue Jul 15 1997 - 10:48:00 PDT

<< But too much
 of the science v. religion dialogue was too cliche. >>

That's true--but it's a dialogue that's going on all the time, and I think a
lot of people need to see it presented that way, worked into a good story. I
live in the Deep South, and it was gratifying to me to see that the theater
was *packed* (it was also kind of nice to think that the two Beavis &
Butthead types next to me who were alternately having burping contests and
discussing how many light-years away such-and-such was were being presented
with a female scientist figure like it was no big deal!)--I hope it got some
folks thinking. I think that to people like us who are accustomed to reading
SF with a critical eye, the arguments seem pretty routine, but to most folks
they probably aren't.

Hmm, I seem to be de-lurking with a vegenance today...


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