Re: Overpopulation; a short story

From: Teragram (dropjohn@TOGETHER.NET)
Date: Fri Jul 25 1997 - 10:41:10 PDT

>throwing around mutual accusations seems rather pointless: an acceptance
>of woman's informed choices seems to be the key.

YES. I choose at this point in my life not to have children because I do
not believe I could provide for their emotive or physical needs properly as
a single parent with a limited income. My younger cousin, with virtually no
economic opportunities (she's a beauty school drop-out, ok? Really) and an
abusive boyfriend (last I heard, he was in jail), choose to have a child.

Which of us is more selfish hardly seems the point. I would posit than when
women see themselves as having opportunities other than having and raising
children, they are more likely to delay having children and to limit their
family size, and that when bearing and raising children is seen as the only
opportunity open to them as adults women are more likely to seize that
option. Access to birth control is only a small part of the puzzle.

delurking to post off topic (for shame!)


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