Re: Outer Limits

Date: Mon Jul 28 1997 - 16:01:04 PDT

In that episode, erasing the rape from the scientist's past made her a
totally different person (you can barely recognize her when the cop finds
her again), but she still became a scientist and invented the time machine.
Even though she did not think of using it to kill sex criminals anymore.
So, when the police officer, who investigated all these murders, came
back to her time, she discovered that murder cases of those would-be
criminals got replaced by the rape-murder cases of their victims.
Including her best friend. So she decided to find the scientist and use
her time machine to re-kill the criminals whose murders she had been
investigating before. I am afraid this description does not make a lot of
sense, but if you saw the episode, you'll probably understand.

I found it very interesting how the story explores the question whether
it is justifiable to kill a person who have not yet commited the crimes
he is going to be executed for in future. In other words, to kill one yet
innocent person to save several other innocent people, his victims. And
how the police officer's opinion on that changes when she discoveres,
that one of the raped and strangled victims is her friend.

Besides, the women characters and acting were absolutely great.


        "Femininity is code for femaleness plus whatever society
           happens to be selling at the time."
                                                Naomi Wolf

On Wed, 23 Jul 1997, Marcus wrote:

> On Tue, 22 Jul 1997, MARINA YERESHENKO wrote:
> > Did anyone see _The Outer Limits_ this weekend? It's about a female
> > scientists who invents a time machine and uses it to go back to the past
> > and kill convicted sexual criminals before they kill their first victim.
> > Another woman, police officer, tracks her down just before the scientist
> > goes back to kill the man that raped her as a teenager.
> >
> > If anyone seen it, please tell me what you think.
> >
> > Marina
> I saw it a while ago. I can't remember the details too well. Weren't
> there was some interesting complications around the final erasure of the
> rape of the scientist who built the machine--maybe when that rape was
> prevented she lacked the incentive to build it in the first place and the
> causal chain erased the time machine itself from existence? What did this
> do to the revenge killings that the time machine had already been used
> for? And was there an issue of the different memories of the cop and the
> scientist? Did the cop save the scientist from her life of revenge by
> killing the scientist's rapist, have the police case against her disappear
> and everything was left only in the memory of the cop? I would like to
> discuss it, but you'll have to refresh my memory.
> Marcus

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