Hello...I'm delurking

From: Cynthia Gonsalves (cynthia1960@home.com)
Date: Tue Jul 29 1997 - 16:34:55 PDT

Hello everyone:

I've been meaning to subscribe for a couple of months now, and have
finally gotten around to it. One of my friends at work (thanks Berni!)
told me about this list. My name is Cynthia Gonsalves, and I'm going to
be the wonderful prime number age of 37 in two weeks. I'm currently
employed by a semiconductor manufacturer in Sunnyvale, CA as a senior
materials engineer, but my bachelor's degree is in chemistry with an
emphasis on analytical, physical, and inorganic chemistry. This pays
for my severe addiction to the printed word and helps keep my cat
supplied with the necessities of her existence. I'm single, and am the
auntie of 7.333 children (4 nieces, 3 nephews, and one in the fetal

I hope I will get a lot of good food for thought as well as more fodder
for my addiction here. I also love Babylon 5, Xena, and the older forms
of Trek (DS9 is fine, but Voyager tries my patience sorely).

I was rejoicing earlier this month when I heard we were going to be able
to see the whole story arc of B5 unfold, but then Berni forwarded the
distressing news about losing one of the very few strong women
characters we currently have in a science fiction or fantasy series.

Among all the commentary in the B5 newsgroups about this issue in the
last week or so, someone posed the question of exactly who was upset by
Ivanova's departure from B5 and suggested that the furor was basically
confined to the 18-34 male demographic sector, who will miss some eye
candy. Is this all Hollywierd thinks the public wants in
entertainment? Besides my losing the interesting and complicated
character of Ivanova in the near future, I've also had to witness the
dumbing down of the female characters on DS9, and Voyager is a whole
'nother can of worms. These developments disappoint me severely.

I would enjoy hearing from anyone out there who wants to discuss strong
roles for women in science fiction and fantasy TV and movies. Since
this may not be of interest to the whole list, please feel free to
contact me directly at my home email address (cynthia1960@home.com).

Thanks again, Cynthia

Total pleasure is a good book, a comfortable couch, and a cat curled up
beside you.


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