feminist sci-fi terminology (was students and sexuality in feminist sf)

From: Erik Tsao (etsao@CMS.CC.WAYNE.EDU)
Date: Thu Jul 31 1997 - 06:27:03 PDT

Lisa Leedy wrote:
>At any
>rate, how does one begin to be familiar with the terminology and subjects
>that are being applied to these discussions. I'm very familiar w/scifi, but
>would like to find a source of info so I can fully participate in some of the
>deeper disc. on this thread.

I would say maybe reading some of the feminist criticism on feminist
sci-fi. There are a number of good books you can probably find in your
college library, or ask them to ilr (inter-library loan) it from another
library. Joanna Russ has a collection of essays which came out a few years
ago. That might be a good place to start. It also might be worthwhile to
look at some of the novels that are being discussed. At least then you'll
have some sort of context in which to work. You might also want to look at
the web page which is associated with this list. There's a good bib of lit
crit on feminist sci-fi, fantasy and utopian literature. Is that helpful?
I hope so. Good luck and good reading!



Erik Tsao
Graduate Student
Department of English
Wayne State University
Detroit, MI

"The naked Senses sometimes see too little -- but then _always_ they see
too much."

--Edgar Allan Poe

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