Re: Stargate

From: Janice E. Dawley (jdawley@TOGETHER.NET)
Date: Thu Jul 31 1997 - 10:23:39 PDT

At 06:44 PM 7/30/97 -0400, Anny Middon wrote:
>Frankly I can't understand why Stargate has achieved cult
>status, so much so that a TV series just started on Showtime. I thought it
>was pretty lame.
>Maybe someone on this list can explain it. Why is Stargate so popular?

I can't imagine. To me it seemed like just another Hollywood movie that
started out somewhat intriguing, then collapsed into a shoddy,
stereotypical second half. I was particularly disappointed in what happened
with Jaye Davidson's god character (having watched _The Crying Game_ some
time before, the contrast was striking).

But I suppose it's no more inexplicable than the popularity of
_Independence Day_.

-- Janice

Janice E. Dawley.....Burlington, VT
Listening to: Feed Your Head, Volume 2; The Best of Márta Sebestyén
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the tyrannies and servilities of the one are the tyrannies and
servilities of the other." Virginia Woolf, Three Guineas

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