Re: Light reading

From: NESchaadt (nschaadt@TXCC.NET)
Date: Wed Aug 13 1997 - 12:25:17 PDT

I'd suggest the obvious: Marion Zimmer Bradley _The Mists of Avalon_.
Hmmmm. Baen Fantasy published the Elizabeth Moon trilogy _The Deed of
Paksenarrion_ (Sheepfarmer's Daughter, Divided Allegiance and Oath of Gold)
in a nice, fat paperback edition. _The Legacy of Gird_ (Surrender None and
Liar's Oath) was also offered as a Baen trade paperback.
You could also think about re-reading warm, chicken soup books like the
Chronicles of Narnia (OK, it's a chicken soup series for *me*). Although
technically horror, I might also suggest Clive Barker _Weaveworld_.
Best wishes and healthy thoughts,

At 01:29 PM 8/13/97 -0400, you wrote:
>I'll be going into the hospital for a few days and I am looking for some good
>books -- something light so I don't have to think to hard, preferably long so
>I don't have to make my husband go to the book store more than once. Fantasy
>suggestions would be as appreciated as much SF (but not horror).

Nancy E. Schaadt
phone: 214 943 4347
fax: 214 946 7887

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