Re: [*FSFFU*] Event Horizont - _bad_ movie (some major spoilers)

From: Sean Johnston (sean-johnston@UIOWA.EDU)
Date: Sun Aug 24 1997 - 21:15:36 PDT

        I didn't enjoy it, either. For one, there was Sam Neill walking
around in shorts making like he's got about thirty pounds more muscle than
he has. That or somebody jammed a stick up his butt. Also, whoever the
black guy was who was the rescue specialist, he should have gotten a lot
more screen time.
        This movie was a waste of some major talent, including Neill,
Fishburne and most of the rest of the case. It's a proof positive that
nice effects and talented actors don't make up for a lack of a good story.
Technically, the movie's good, although I wasn't blown away by the computer
graphics (I won't be until they are insidtinguishable from the real verson
of whatever they're supposed to be. I suppose they went with them because
they're probably cheaper than trying to make real stuff float) but
virtually only technically.


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