Re: [*FSFFU*] Event Horizont - _bad_ movie (some major spoilers)

From: Nalo Hopkinson (
Date: Sun Aug 24 1997 - 17:26:30 PDT

Went to see it for Lawrence Fishburn, but even that didn't help. Didn't
follow the logic of "the ship brought something back, ergo the ship is now
alive." Didn't understand why there would be a Christian Hell on the
other side of the wormhole. If you were Hindu, would you experience
something different? Was also a little creeped out by demonstrating
wormhole travel by poking a pen through the nether regions of a picture of
a naked woman. Was a little gratified to see one of the Black men Get the
Girl (and did anyone else get a bi-queer vibe from him that disappeared as
the movie progressed? Seemed like the filmmakers may have wanted to go
there, but chickened out), but his clownish Step 'N Fetchit in Space
routine grated at me. Though perhaps by then I was being just a *touch*
hypersensitive from having too much of my intelligence insulted. There
was a background scene that had Fishburn's character apparently smoking a
joint, but by the time it got handed around to the foreground of the shot,
it had become a cigarette. Another wimp-out on someone's part? So many
logic holes that I can't begin to get into all of them here. Then it all
fell apart and turned into a two-bit Hell Raiser meets Alien while nodding
at 2001, and they all Blow Everything Up *Real* Good. Urp. -Pace- anyone
who liked any of this summer's sf movies, this is all just my opinion.
But in the past few months I've taken in Event Horizon, Contact, and Fifth
Element, and they've all made me want to curl up with a good book.


"You'll say reality is under no obligation to be interesting. To which
I'd reply that reality may disregard the obligation but that we may not."
                                                -Jorge Luis Borges

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