Re: [*FSFFU*] Event Horizont - _bad_ movie (some major spoilers)

Date: Mon Aug 25 1997 - 18:37:18 PDT

On Sun, 24 Aug 1997, Nalo Hopkinson wrote:

> Didn't understand why there would be a Christian Hell on the
> other side of the wormhole. If you were Hindu, would you experience
> something different?

Nalo, the whole point of the Christian Hell is that it's the one and
only, and that anyone who disagrees (or disrespects the idea by commiting
suicide) goes right there.

Honestly, I think _Event Horizon_ is the most pathetic attempt to combine
science fiction with religion I've seen since I stopped watching _The
Burning Zone_. In the latter, the epizode that did it was the one where
executed murderers would wake up in a dead city with a huge red object in the
place of the sun hanging above. Then, a crowd of creatures in black capes
would circle around him, obviously going to do something terrible.
However, if the convict (still wearing his death row clothes) would drop
down on his knees and say that he's sorry for what he had done, a
lightning would strike, and a bearded guy in white clothes would come
down from the clouds. He would tell the dark creatures: "Stop! This one is
mine!", and they would kind of creep back.

I apologize to those who might have liked the show. I personally found it
extremely phony, from its attempt on political correctness (the main
crew were from different ethnical backgrounds, but the leader that always
knew better and treated them like kids, was a white male), to the
paranoidness (I'm not sure if this is a legal English word) of the basic
premise -- that there is a world conspiracy of physicians to eliminate the
"most dangerous virus on the face of Earth -- the humans", so the crew could
battle this conspiracy. But the religious stuff in _Burning Zone_ was the
worst. I don't think that science fiction and religion should be combined in
general. It always reminds me a comic booklet I saw once that some guy was
giving around on campus. It was a graphic novel vividly describing how the
end of the world was coming, and everything, from rock music to rollerblades
was designed by Satan to corrupt as many souls of youth as possible, before
his time was over.

> Was also a little creeped out by demonstrating
> wormhole travel by poking a pen through the nether regions of a picture of
> a naked woman.

I think it was intended to make the "scientific explanation" more
entertaining, to keep the attention of the audience.

> Was a little gratified to see one of the Black men Get the
> Girl

Yeah, but the girl was a total bimbo. It would be nice if she had
a little more personality. However, I think the way he talked
to her at the beginning was very much like sexual harassment. Even a
bimbo deserves to be respected.

        "Femininity is code for femaleness plus whatever society
           happens to be selling at the time."
                                                Naomi Wolf

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