[*FSFFU*] SF critical of robots, part 2

From: Gary Lynch (bookworm@EXECPC.COM)
Date: Sun Aug 31 1997 - 20:28:50 PDT

Ok, I found these titles.

The robot novels (all published by Doubleday):

1. _The_Caves_of_Steel_ 1954 Doubleday
2. _The_Naked_Sun_ 1957 Doubleday
3. _The_Robots_of_Dawn 1983 Doubleday
4. _Robots_and_Empire_ 1985 Doubleday

These are framed around murder mysteries; look at humans
using robots to do things they weren't designed for; and
robots doing things that seem to conflict with the laws of
robotics, but we find out the robots have better analytic
skills than their masters.

Asimov also wrote a number of robot short stories, collected
in _I,_Robot_ (1950) and _The_Complete_Robot_ (1982).

I must credit this information to Ed Seiler's Asimov FAQ at
  where ? = 1, 2, 3, & 4.
They are in undelmited ASCII, not HTML, and difficult to
read with a Web browser.

BTW: I finished _Snow_Crash_ in June, and saw little
      treatment of what I call a "robot" (which includes
      by definition the ability to move). ???
Gary Lynch bookworm@execpc.com
Hales Corners, WI 53130 http://www.execpc.com/~bookworm
  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
"The future ain't what it used to be." -- Arthur C. Clarke

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