Re: [*FSFFU*] GIJane

From: Heather MacLean (hmaclean@KENT.EDU)
Date: Tue Sep 02 1997 - 10:20:40 PDT

Marina wrote:
>I wonder if anyone saw G.I.Jane. It's not a science fiction (I hope!),
>but it's a good movie. Of course, I like violent action movies in general,
>which a lot of people on the list don't.

Well, I have a brown belt in tae kwon do; personally, I thought GIJane was
great. *grins* Uhm, I do happen to have a major thing about muscled women,
but heck. That's only partial bias. =) It was wonderful having an action
flick where I could identify with the lead (believable) badass, for once...

>2. The makers of the movie are bending over backwards to prevent
>accusations of feminism (e.g. the strange behavior of the female
>senator, and Moore's constant apologizing that she's "not trying to make
>a statement"), while promoting its basic ideas.
Oh, *gasp* no, not feminism, the kiss of death for sales...

Another funny thing:

5. The tampons. I mean, really, a Navy Seal is going to use applicator
tampons? for the blood squeamish?


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