[*FSFFU*] Re[2]: SF and Ecology, and travel restrictions

Date: Fri Sep 05 1997 - 09:42:10 PDT

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Subject: Re: SF and Ecology, and travel restrictions
Date: 9/4/97 10:25 PM

You might be right about this. Even in the Soviet Union ID's in
airports became recquired only after a plane was high-jacked to Turkey in
1970, with the whole crew and some passengers killed by the terrorists
(who tried to emigrate that way). Before that, no one cared for the ID's
and names. Even though there was not a lot of freedom otherwise. The problem
is, any government would rather be accused in violating human rights
than in inability of protecting human lives.
king about. It's for our own good, after all. >
> Neil Rest
     Marina: Neil is right about this. You have to show a valid ID to fly
     on the commercial airlines. People really don't question this, but it
     constitutes a license to travel. I can't imagine how many average
     folks who are unaware of this have been halted at airports.

     All of this is in response to the Flight 800 crash, which they thought
     was caused by terrorism, a link never proved.

     This new license to fly is a big hassle. Before I flew out to San
     Francisco from DC in June, I had to spend an entire afternoon going to
     the drivers license bureau to get my license renewed. Not an easy
     thing to go do when you don't own a car. I almost forgot to do it too,
     since I don't own a car and my license had just expired.

     This new restriction is just the tip of the iceberg. At the end of the
     year something called "passenger profiling" goes into full effect.
     This will be a computerized system designed to identify potential
     "terrorists." I'm sure that lots of folks will be inconvenienced by
     this. I have one acquaintance, who is an American dissident, who has
     been hassled by this system when they tried to travel.

     Sorry this is so off topic, but I didn't see Event Horizon nor GI

     Chuck0 "glad to hear that a Babylon 5 episode won a Hugo"
     Bab5 Zone

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