Re: [*FSFFU*] Travel Restrictions

From: Jeanine Pedersen (Jeanine99@AOL.COM)
Date: Fri Sep 05 1997 - 11:46:25 PDT

The showing of an ID to travel on US airlines is not a government imposed
restriction. It's an airline requirement. They have simply jumped on the
anti-terrorist bandwagon in order to stop people from doing things like
sharing frequent flier miles -- i.e. my husband & I both have the same first
initial so we always flew on business as J. Abbott thus allowing us to
collect the miles in one account. The airlines all now say that because of
terrorist activity they can not issue a ticket with a first initial on it --
come on! Of course the answer is simply to have a corporate travel agency
issue the ticket, in which case they will issue it the way you want it.
 Requiring ID also prevents you from transferring your ticket to some one
else. The idea that showing picture ID is a form of deterrent to terrorism
is laughable.

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