Re: [*FSFFU*] Average heights of women and men (was: GI Jane and

From: Sean Johnston (sean-johnston@UIOWA.EDU)
Date: Mon Sep 08 1997 - 13:31:44 PDT

>Re this discussion: in many many societies the difference in height and
>strength of men and women has been probably due less to relative frequency of
>picking up and more to do with the allocation of food resources within the
>family; i.e. female members get less to eat (assumption that they *need* less)
>and also the model of the mother who may, in situations of hardship, starve
>herself to feed firstly the breadwinner and then the children, and probably
>the male children first of those.
> I can certainly remember, from my own experience, (female) servers in
>canteens at university and work, who automatically gave men larger portions
>than women (although 1 portion was automatically costed at a single price, no
>size differentials!). But would guess that the crucial time for adult size, re
>nutrition, would be infancy/early childhood.
> Lesley

Interesting idea, though. Plausible, too. I just don't buy it.


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