Re: [*FSFFU*] Average heights of women and men (was: GI Jane and

From: Huey Alcaro (Hueya@MACCONNECT.COM)
Date: Fri Sep 12 1997 - 06:24:56 PDT

Can you provide the source for the info below? I'd like to use it in
connection with a course I teach. Thank you.

>This is certainly true. In psychology experiments, subjects (American
>college students) have been shown
>pictures of a woman or a man standing next to a doorway or other reference
>object and asked to guess the person's height. People estimate women to be
>shorter than men who are actually the same height. This holds true even when
>the people are *told* that a set of photographs is "matched" for height, i.e.
>for each picture of a woman in the set there is a picture of a man of exactly
>the same height. Women also tend to do this as much as men.
>Carrie A. Preston Carrie A. Preston
>348 Mason Hall 3626 Cambrey Drive
>Michigan State University Lansing, MI 48906
>East Lansing, MI 48825 (517) 321-0317
>(517) 355 2136
>There is water at the bottom of the ocean.
> --David Byrne

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