Re: [*FSFFU*] Average heights of women and men (not about sf and f)

From: Sean Johnston (sean-johnston@UIOWA.EDU)
Date: Fri Sep 12 1997 - 10:58:03 PDT

 and she
>answered 3%: i.e. only the top 3% of women are faster than the the bottom
>3% of men: is this not a major under-estimation? I was quite depressed
>about this. It seemed wrong (not to mention unjust)

Perhaps the sample wasn't big enough, but how can a statistic be "just" or
"unjust"? Perhaps you mean given the sentence below?

to me, looking over my
>class mates: the young women seemed alot more impressive than they were
>being given credit for, and the young men a lot less.


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