Re: [*FSFFU*] On Femininity and SF

From: emrah goker (
Date: Thu Sep 18 1997 - 04:35:43 PDT

On Wed, 17 Sep 1997, Sean Johnston wrote:

> Emrah,
> Well, I'm sure there are a few of those types of "people" in
> America, too. I suspect they might be getting fewer as more women are
> working out and getting able to kick their husbands' ass. :-)
> I gotta say, though, the stuff you talked about before, like the
> average male muslim's attitude toward working women, the hostess incident,
> these are pretty fu**ing horrific. I'm a little in shock.
> I know bad stuff goes on in the world, but it's so senseless
> sometimes. Ugh.
> -Sean

Sorry to horrify you. But there are many hopeless, thoughtful, worried
intellectuals like me (hey, am I an intellectual!). What is worse is that
we are beginning to get used to the horror.

Tribal decisions about the fate of a member of the family are very common
in Muslim societies. When a patriarch (be him a father or a prime
minister) feels that the "namus" (a complicated Turkish word for religious
honor and pride) of the community (be it a family or a nation) is harmed,
he will not hesitate to take action against the guilty: So are
to-be-prostitutes killed, so are communists tortured, so are female
professors criticizing Islam are assasinated.

In fact, religion is more "pretty f**king horrific" than all this. It
doesn't matter it is Islam or Christianity or Judaism.

Big Brother is bored watching us. He will begin killing.


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