Re: [*FSFFU*] "Riding the Red"

From: Nalo Hopkinson (bl213@FREENET.TORONTO.ON.CA)
Date: Fri Sep 19 1997 - 14:39:10 PDT

NH: Titles aren't copyrightable, so no need. Also, it's a pretty
generic one-word title. Now, if your proposed title were to be, "Time
Considered as a Helix of Semi-Precious Stones," my advice would probably
be different...



On Thu, 18 Sep 1997, Sean Johnston wrote:

> >NH: Aww. Thanks, Ildiko. The next Datlow/Windling fairy tale antho. is
> >_Silver Birch, Blood Moon,_ and my short story "Precious" is in that one.
> >
> >-nalo
> Great. Now I have to retitle my story of the same name of "Precious". Oh,
> well.
> -Sean

"There are two kinds of dates; the kind that you go out with, and the
small fruit that you eat."
                                -my aunt

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