Re: [*FSFFU*] Dune, role-models and Sex (was Re: Wonder Woman ...)

From: Sean Johnston (sean-johnston@UIOWA.EDU)
Date: Tue Sep 23 1997 - 13:29:11 PDT

>On the topic of Dune, who would you rather have been, Paul or his mother?
>I could not help wanting to be Paul because he was the real main character
>and had all of the powers/strengths of his mother and more besides (other
>than the ability to give birth though that was not stressed at all. Paul
>was the ultimate Bene Geserit and he could not be a woman because women
>were unable to reach his level.
>One more thing about the Bene Geserit, weren't they only able to deal with
>the water of life at least in part because they sort of transferred the
>ability from one to the next while Paul dealt with it without help?
>-- Joel VanLaven

I'd much rather be his mother. Paul had wayyy too much pressure on him and
by the end of his life, practically every move he made was interpreted to
have some religious significance. I could imagine some sect developing on
something as small as Paul picking his nose in public, theorizing as to why
he did it and going nutty from there.


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