[*FSFFU*] home schooling (but there IS a sf connection, I swear!)

From: Kate Bolin (kbolin@MAILHOST.TCS.TULANE.EDU)
Date: Tue Oct 21 1997 - 10:54:34 PDT

        Well, I've been sort of keeping an eye on this discussion, and I
thought I would just throw my own personal experience in.
        I was home taught for two years, fifth and sixth grade. This was
after five years of parochial (mainly Baptist) education. My mother had
decided that the education system out there was not right for my younger
siblings and me, so she took us out entirely. This might have had
something to do with the fact that I was going through a lot of mental
problems during the fourth grade.
        My mother did not try to direct my course of education (since she
had barely graduated high school herself), but instead ordered an entire
set of coursebooks, all carefully regimented. She promoted me up a grade
level, and let me work on my own.
        Those two years were wonderful. I was as anti-social as I wanted
to be. And I got to watch a lot of TV, including Star Trek (see? I told
you sf was in here!)
        Not having a group of my peers to criticize everything that I did
and watched let me really expand my love of science fiction.

        For me, home-schooling was a great experience. But we also ended
up particpating in a lot of home-schooling group events, and I saw a lot
of families that....well.....fit the home-schooling cliche...

who is wondering if any of that made sense

"If we are about to enter cyberspace, the first thing we have to do is
                  plant the divine in it." -- Mark Pesce
             Kate Bolin http://studentweb.tulane.edu/~kbolin
           Dymphna http://studentweb.tulane.edu/~kbolin/dymphna
     Delenn Deserves Better http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Cavern/9060

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