[*FSFFU*] The Postman

From: Geoffrey D. Sperl (gamgee@geocities.com)
Date: Sun Oct 26 1997 - 18:13:04 PST


I just finished David Brin's _The Postman_ (while listening to Janet Jackson's
"The Velvet Rope"...no connection - I just like to have music playing while
reading). It is a postapocalyptic novel that sees Gordon Krantz, a minstrel
(sp? no dictionary nearby...) of sorts, don the clothing of a dead mail
carrier for warmth and survival, only to lead to the largest story he ever
told: the story of the Restored United States of America.

Now, it deals with women in intrguing fashions. I don't want to color
anyone's minds if they haven't read the book, but I would like to discuss what
everyone (who has read it) thought of this book and the wide range of women
presented in the piece.

- Geoffrey

P.S. Yes, this is the book that is the basis of Kevin Costner's new movie,
_The Postman_ (coming out next month). I have no idea as to what the
storyline is, but there are still shots that I can't find matching scenes to
in the book, and a vast number of names seem to have changed...anyone have
more info on the movie?

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