[*FSFFU*] animals, ESP and nature

From: Rudy Leon (releon@SYR.EDU)
Date: Mon Oct 27 1997 - 14:52:53 PST

One of my students wants to do a paper on animals and gender and nature in
utopia. Her starting place is the Charnas novels, WEW and Motherlines, and
their bestialization of fems, and fems views of Riding Women. I am having
some trouble thinking of suggestions for another novel for her to read
alongside this (part of the assignment)

Another student is looking at ESP as *natural* in Wanderground and Gate to
Women's Country, but also needs another suggestion--the closest thing I
could come up with was Mercedes Lackey's valdemar stuff. I seem to
remember the last of the Native Tongue books involving something
supernatural, but I don't really remember that one that well...

Any suggestions, help, thoughts, on these two ideas would be very helpful
(I hope that none of my students are on this list, or I'm busted!)

Rudy Leon
Syracuse University

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