[*FSFFU*] Sarah Canary

From: Joel VanLaven (jvl@ocsystems.com)
Date: Thu Nov 06 1997 - 11:35:04 PST

I just read this great book. Is this supposed to be SF? While it
certainly appealed to my feminist SF likes, I can't tell if it was SF.
Has anyone else read it? If so, what did you think?

Also, I have a few unresolved questions. Perhaps they are supposed to be
unresolved and that is part of the whole effect of the book (which was
powerful and which I appreciated very much)

-- SPOILERs --

I can't really ask questions without giving things away to the casual
reader, sorry. Is there standard way to this spoilers stuff? here are
the questions I have: Was the crazy guy telepathic? Were the things he got
from inanimate objects really in them? What is up with Sarah Canary? Was
she crazy? Was the whole thing (along with us) part of a dream of hers?
What did she change into? Did her dress really have special powers?
Was that one man really immortal? Do any of these things matter or is the
nebulous, hinting uncertainty what is more important?

-- Joel VanLaven

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