[*FSFFU*] Paradise Lost

From: Jana C. McCormick (Mcfynnan@AOL.COM)
Date: Fri Nov 07 1997 - 21:04:38 PST

Although this is not science fiction, it is a true story about women during
the 1940's and displays insight into the strength, ingenuity and
determination to survive that women possess.
It also answers many sociological questions such as hierarchical tendencies
of women, man's inhumanity toward women and men and their ability to
cooperate for a higher purpose.
Besides, it's a wonderful movie and a true story about survival. The setting
- a camp for prisoners of war during WW2 and the women and children are the
main characters and occupants.

There aren't enough movies about women and our strength of character in
difficult situations. I wish there were more like this one.

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