[*FSFFU*] Seven Years in Tibet (The Movie)

From: Jana C. McCormick (Mcfynnan@aol.com)
Date: Fri Nov 07 1997 - 20:54:53 PST

Seven Years in Tibet, an excellent movie, is an example of how the "teaching
of compassion" depends upon the person and the setting/situation.
>Neil Rest says:
><< the purpost of the culture of Tibet is to maximize compassion.>>

For instance, fear of foreigners kept the people from providing temporary
assistance. Until one man stepped in...
I don't want to ruin the story for anyone. It's in theaters now.
This is a true story and, I believe a wonderful opportunity, politically, for
the people of Tibet to let Americans know what is going on. Americans are
more likely to watch the movie than to seek out the few news reports
concerning the oppression of people of Tibet and the Dalai Lama.

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