Re: [*FSFFU*] Starship Troopers Movie

From: Stephen Smith (jrfss@CLASSIC.MSN.COM)
Date: Sun Nov 09 1997 - 15:12:38 PST

 Yes I liked Mimic and so did he. I was kind of surprised because I thought
"Oh no not MIra SOrvino. ( I disliked that Woody Allen movie that she won her
oscar for immensily!) The idea was interesting. However, the plot often
falls into what you would expect, but she played a fairly strong female lead.
(actually Sorvino is quite an intelligent person. She did her M.A. at Harvard
or Yale or one of those in Chinese I think.)
 That actress...yes I avoided Johnny mneumonic like the plague. Well now wait
that isn't exactly true...I saw the first part and shut it off immediately. I
really cannot understand WHY casting directors continue to hire Keanu "mr
monotone" Reeves. He is horrible and has ruined so many potentially good
films. Now this is just me, but I'm worried about "Alien the Resurrection."
I don't like Winona Ryder either and I'm afraid she'll drag it down. The
director is pretty amazing, for what I can tell...
  I have made it a habit to avoid films of people that I don't like or don't
respect as a performer. That actress does seem to be trying, but maybe she is
choosing the wrong scripts. I don't know.
   Thanks for writing back. IF there are any other sf/horror movies that you
care to discuss...i'm all eyes.
PS: I wandered into two toy shops today to check out the action figures for
kids. I couldn't find one miniature of Princess Leia in or out of bondage. I
also found it depressing that the Starship Trooper action figures have arrived
and only Carmen has a figurine! (WHERE IS DIS?) Also not only was there only
the one doll available, she wasn't in stock. What does this say? I was also
rifling through the reduced stuff, and lo and behold the only ones in that bin
were X-men characters. I guess Spawn must have a female she
has an action figurine. Has anyone seen Spawn by the way? ANyone interested
in SF comics?

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