Re: [*FSFFU*] Starship Troopers

From: Becca Stoler (rstoler@MAILHOST.TCS.TULANE.EDU)
Date: Mon Nov 10 1997 - 08:15:08 PST

> I myself like Star Trek and what it tries to accomplish. I feel
that Jadzia
>Dax, Major Kira, the departed Tasha Yar, Janeway, Kes, Beverly Crusher,
>Torres, Kes and yes even annoying Troi ( I do not like her at all!) attempt
>demonstrate strength, empathy, wisdom, and intelligence. They come across
>me as not only capable women but women that I myself admire.

Agreed. If ever there was a strong star-trek character to look up to, she
would be Tasha Yar, I mean the womyn died twice, was security chief of the
flag-ship, kept Worf under control, and almost escaped from a Romulan prison
camp. (if it wasn't for her brainwashed daughter... she would have) Need I
remind you, she also went back in time to win a war! Talk about guts!


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