Re: [*FSFFU*] Star Trek Women (was Re: Starship Troopers)

From: Jill Gillham (jilkey@GRFN.ORG)
Date: Mon Nov 10 1997 - 11:28:43 PST

On Mon, 10 Nov 1997, Enoch's Vision wrote:
> TVGuide quotes the nearly-Supermodel Seven of Nine as saying that it was
> her idea to wear four-inch heels. I didn't understand her stated reason for
> that though it seemed somehow fashion-related. It went right by me. What's

My answer comes from the debate on whether or not contestants in the Miss
America pagent should be allowed to wear high heels during the swimsuit
competition, so it may not be 100% on.

Basically, if ye wearing heels, it makes your gluteous maximus appear to
be smaller. (Long term wearing of heels can also cause changes in your
achilles tendons, but hey, you wouldn't want to actually have to run fast
or jump or something)

Jill Gillham
\|/ \|/ D=|[[] "All-arm'd I ride, whate'er betide,
=0: + =0: = \O/ Until I find the Holy Grail."
/|\ /|\ |*| -- Alfred, Lord Tennyson [Go WINGS!]

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