Re: [*FSFFU*] Starship Troopers

From: Penelope Gibbs (PENEL@CALC.VET.UGA.EDU)
Date: Mon Nov 10 1997 - 12:54:25 PST

Penny is delurking again.

The anecdote I think you were referring to is not correct as you
state it. Nichelle Nicolls (sp?) was having what she thought was a
dating relationship with Gene R., and he invited her to his home.
When she arrived, Majel Barrett (sp?) answered the door. When
Nichelle asked "what are you doing here", Majel answered "I live
here". Nichelle was crushed, as she was in love with Rodenberry. She
wanted to quit the show for this reason, not because she was unhappy
with the Uhura character. And yes, Dr. King did convince her to stay
with the show. And yes, she was quite a role model for many, many

> There's a famous anecdote (which I may have blurred the details of) that
> Nichelle Nicolls (sp?!) was not real happy with Lt. Ohura, but Dr. King
> convinced her to stay with the show, since she was a role model of a
> reaponsible, respected black woman in the future.
> One of the people who might not have has the same career without that
> inspiration is Woopie Goldberg.
> Neil Rest

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