[*FSFFU*] Virginia Heinlein

From: Robin Reid (Robin_Reid@TAMU-COMMERCE.EDU)
Date: Tue Nov 11 1997 - 07:45:10 PST

Bonnie Gray asked: "My question to the server is, does anybody know anything
his wife? I have heard rumors that she was quite brilliant, which
may have had something to do with his incorporation of "strong"
(again, look at the decades) females. I haven't seen anything written
about her, though."

I used to read quite a lot of Heinlein (he was often seen as fairly radical
in some ways during the sixties, though he was always a staunch political
conservative as he defined it)--at least he had a few more female characters
(even point of view characters),and since I was pre-adolescent, I didn't see
the problems with his presentation of female characters (until _Farnham's
Freehold_ which put me off him for some time). I gather that his wife
Virginia was a model for the strong (red haired) female protagonists in a
number of his novels. I met both of them at a STAR TREK con in the late
seventies: at that time, he was promoting blood donation because his life
had been saved because of the rare blood society, and his "price" for
appearing at a con was that they have a room set aside for blood donations.
He was autographing copies of his books for the donors (or potential
donors--I had a fever so they wouldn't take me, but he smiled at me and told
me I had tried). In person, both of the Heinleins were charming. I loved
_The Moon is a Harsh Mistress_ and still find it a very appealing read if I
sort of read carefully around parts of it. His wife is now managing his
estate--and from the various anecdotes shared by writers and comments made
by Heinlein himself,they seemed to have had a wonderful marriage. I came to
realize as I grew older that the major problem for me in Heinlein's women
(and he certainly is/was not alone in this) is the bedrock assumption that
all women live to reproduce (biological/evolutionary drives), that all women
are inherently different from all men (though many women are both strong and
intelligent and so forth--Manny in TMIHM SAYS that his wives are smarter and
better than him in all sorts of ways)--it's this sort of "manly" man and
"womanly" woman, totally heterosexist (except for some flirtation with
lesbian sex in _Friday_) that, just, well, depresses me especially in an
author who through Lazarus Long and other characters questions a lot of
other received social notions. I was terribly upset with _Podkayne of
Mars_, his novel with an adolescent female hero/point of view character,
when she gets breasts and basically gives up on her idea for a career in the
sciences and thinks about (eek) nursing! Fits the "dumbing down" phenomenon
identified for girls becoming young women in our culture.


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