Re: [*FSFFU*] Tie In Novels: The End of SF or the World as We Know It?

From: Maryelizabeth Hart (mystgalaxy@AX.COM)
Date: Tue Nov 11 1997 - 17:06:29 PST

Nina wrote:

> It may not be as frequent, Maryelizabeth, but it does happen! I've
>read "regular SF" since I was a little girl, and will read media tie-ins
>if they are well-written and if the particular film or TV series
>interests me. And if I like the tie-in author's work, I _always_ look
>around the bookstore on my next visit to see what else that author has
>on the shelves. That's how I found Vonda's books - and Alan Dean
>Foster's, to name just two authors who inhabit my shelves with both
>tie-ins and non tie-ins. I'm not questioning your experiences as a
>bookseller, but I am wondering if I can possibly be such an
>oddity...(although come to think of it, just being an SF lover makes me
>one to family and friends!).
>Nina Osier

You may just be the exception that proves the rule. :) I know there are
others out there like you, but in my experience, you are in an unfortunate

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