Re: [*FSFFU*] feminist dystopias

From: Michelle Bernard (Michelle.Bernard@COLORADO.EDU)
Date: Wed Nov 12 1997 - 10:02:24 PST

Well, it's not a happy book, but I wouldn't call it depressing,
especially since you've already read Motherlines (Aldara's "afterlife"
so to speak). Then again, there was a kind of hope in the book not
necessarily borne out in the sequel. I read them one right after the
other in a single volume, so in a sense it was the same book for me (and
had a different cover).

>Laura Wigod:
>I need encouragement to read "Walk to the End of the Earth." I read
>"Motherlines" about a month ago and thoroughly enjoyed it (although I had
>some difficulty with the mating with horses part - but at least that's a
>more practical solution than a lot of femscifi novels where two women just
>emotionally connect and have their eggs spontaneously split).
>So I ran out and got WTTEOFE and, maybe it's the cover (woman in chains on
>her knees - macho guys hovering above her), maybe it's just too depressing
>to read of a world not so far off from our own, but......the book is
>sitting on my nightstand, week after week, while I whiz through a dozen
>other books.
>Will this book depress me?

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