Re: [*FSFFU*] Star Trek Women / Seven of Nine

From: Laura Wigod (laura@OAKRIDGE.COM)
Date: Wed Nov 12 1997 - 10:32:56 PST

>They also tend to be made up with lighter complexions than male Klingons,
>much like it is difficult for African-American women to be considered
>"beautiful" (i.e. actresses and models) unless they are fairly light in
>complexion. I've seen an interview with Tyra Banks in which she talked about
>how hard it was for her to break through in modeling because she kept losing
>jobs to African-descent models (since not all models are American) with
>lighter complexions than hers.

Have you seen the current cover of "Elle" magazine? (Or was it "Vogue"?) I
was very happy to see a Very Dark Black Woman on the cover!


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