Re: [*FSFFU*] Tepper's pseudonyms

From: Maryelizabeth Hart (mystgalaxy@AX.COM)
Date: Fri Nov 14 1997 - 17:16:55 PST

> Maryelizabeth, I think it's time for you to repost your
>"compleat works of S. S. Tepper" again ...
> edrie
Okay, twist my arm...

The Sheri Tepper web page at the fem-sf site

Tepper's poetry:
as Sheri S. Eberhart
"Lullaby, 1990" in Galaxy, 12/63

Tepper's horror:
_The Bones_ '86
_Blood Heritage_ '86
and a stunning vampire novella, "The Gardener", published in _Night Visions
6_, aka _The Bone Yard_ '88
 as E.E. Horlak :
_Still Life_ '88

Her SF novels include (more or less chronologically):

_The Revenants_ '84

_King's Blood Four_* '83
_Necromancer Nine_* '83
_Wizard's Eleven_* '84

_The Song of Mavin Manyshaped_* '85
_The Flight of Mavin Manyshaped_* '85
_The Search of Mavin Manyshaped_* '85

_Jinian Footseer_* '85
_Devrish Daughter_* '86
_Jinian Star-Eye_* '86
* a trio of trilogies set in the same fantastic world

_The Awakeners_ (_Northshore, Vol. I_; _Southshore, Vol. II_) '87/'87

_Marianne, the Magus, and the Manticore_ '85
_Marianne, the Madame, and the Momentary Gods_ '88
_Marianne, the Matchbox, and the Malachite Mouse_ '89

_After Long Silence_ '87
_The Gate to Women's Country_ '88
_Beauty_ '91

_Grass_ \ '89
_Raising the Stones_ loose trilogy '90
_Sideshow_ / '92

_A Plague of Angels_ '93
_Shadow's End_ '94
_Gibbon's Decline and Fall_ '96
_The Family Tree_ '97

She also writes mysteries under two psuedonyms:

The Jason Lynx mysteries by A.J. Orde, featuring a Colorado antiques dealer
and his SO, a (female) police officer:
_A Little Neighborhood Murder_ '89
_Death and the Dogwalker_ '90
_Death for Old Time's Sake_ '92
_Dead on Sunday_ (aka _Looking for the Aardvark_) '94 /'93
_A Long Time Dead_ '95
_Death of Innocents_ '97

The Shirley McClintock mysteries by B.J. Oliphant, featuring a Colorado
rancher cum New Mexico B&B Ranch owner:
_Dead in the Scrub_ '90
_The Unexpected Corpse_ '90
_Deservedly Dead_ '92
_Death and the Delinquent_ '93
_Death Served up Cold_ '94
_A Ceremonial Death_ '96
_Here's to the Newly Deads_ '97

Not that I'm an obsessive completist, or anything. But I thought folks
might like to know.:)

Note: all dates are taken from my American editions.

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