Re: [*FSFFU*] Hello, everyone!

From: Christine Boltz (
Date: Fri Nov 14 1997 - 23:02:10 PST

Hi Leann

I'm Christine. I just got onto the feminist sf list this week. I also
love science fiction, fantasy, and horror, but I think I may be in different
situation than other fans of these genres. I did not read much of these
types of literature until I was an adult (other than mass media icons
Stephen King and Anne Rice--I have also read many of Marion Zimmer Bradley's
Darkover novels). In a perfect world I would run to my favorite used
bookstore to buy all of the books that people have written about for the
feminist sf list, but unfortunately I have limited time to read due to
mundane things like work, school, etc. With this in mind, let me ask you
this question:

What would you say are the top ten "must read" books for someone who wants
to become familiar with these genres--that is, what do you think are the top
ten books that someone must read in order to discuss sf and horror with
other fans, even if they are not necessarily your top ten favorites?


-----Original Message-----
From: Buzz Review <BzRvueNews@AOL.COM>
Date: Friday, November 14, 1997 7:07 PM
Subject: [*FSFFU*] Hello, everyone!

>Hi, I'm Leann. I love science fiction, fantasy and horror. I'm looking
>forward to getting to know y'all.

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