Re: [*FSFFU*] X-Files

From: Stephen Smith (
Date: Sat Nov 15 1997 - 17:33:32 PST

Interesting idea that women are always conventional...however think about
"Contact" the man was pro-religion and the woman is pure science. I think
that women are rarely associated with science or scientific thinking, logic
and the like, so I find it refreshing that she is less controlled by her
emotions. (Women are usually the "emotional" ones who don't go on anything
but intuition, and men go on intellect. I think the roles are reversed in the
        I do agree that women should be a bit more daring and adventurous however.
Well of course again you have "contact" where the female character is
adventurous, but gets patriarchy in her face when she proves herself correct.
I don't know what anyone else thought about that, but I was furious when her
advisor/professor stuck his head in when the credit was about to be passed

From: For discussion of feminist SF, fantastic & utopian literature on behalf
Sent: Saturday, November 15, 1997 4:35 PM
Subject: Re: [*FSFFU*] X-Files

On Tue, 11 Nov 1997, Stephen Smith wrote:

> Marina:
> I think that religion does have its place on the series because it is the
> think that Scully has and will again believe in...that parallels Mulder's
> belief in the "little green men>" She has faith in religion while Mulder
> believes something less conventional. I think that really also explains the
> two views...while Mulder seeks the unconventional "truth" Scully seeks the
> conventional.

I agree. However, it's one of the parts that makes me mad. Why is it
always the woman who has to more conservative? It was even worse
at the beginning, when she tried to "scientifically" explain
everything that was going on. It would be nice to have a show
someday, where the woman is "venturing into unknown" and looking
for the "little green people" and the guy is hiding behind either
science or religion.

> I was a little disappointed with the "cliffhanger" episode this
> because anyone and everyone who follow the show knows that they filmed a
> for release next summer.

Well, it could be a movie about something that happened before they
would have died. Think _Twin Peaks Fire Walk with Me_.

Besides, they could have been resurrected :) . It happened with Mulder
once, didn't it? Remember that episode with Navajo Indians.


        "Femininity is code for femaleness plus whatever society
           happens to be selling at the time."
                                                Naomi Wolf

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